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Below argument shall be eliminated.
This space pertains to the abolishment of patents on the Comptroller’s exercise beneath Area 73(1).
All S73(1) abolishment accomplishments are sweet electronically on PDAX. A obvious examiner will both speed up the obvious guide to Tribunal Area allurement for abolishment exercise to come up in account of the obvious or if the case is already on PDAX, he’ll speed up a bulletin to the Aggregation Mailbox. The examiner could cite, for instance, a come up GB equipment or a come up European obvious (UK) equipment as actuality in battle with the accordant GB patent.
For instances not but on PDAX, the A3 will :
The new case shall be positioned by foundation and scanning within the Ex parte aggregation mailbox to be actioned by a affiliate of the ex parte group.
The A3 will moreover cost to:
A guide apropos to the European obvious (UK) must be acquired through the Online European Apparent Annals (Register Plus). You ought to evaluation that:
a) the exercise aeon of 9 months has delayed again the admission of the patentb) there is no such thing as a exercise to the admission of the European obvious (UK)c) the European obvious (UK) has appointed GB statusd) there are not any requests fabricated for axial abolishment of the European obvious afore the European Apparent Office beneath EPC Article 105a. This permits the freeholder to handle that their obvious is revoked in all equipment States through which the obvious is in pressure (see MoPP 73.10)e) the blueprint on PDAX is the newest adaptation equipment Annals Plus and there are not any axial limitation affairs ongoing. If affairs are ongoing, advance as follows;
Following the addition of the axial limitation course of, an EP obvious could now be tailored centrally on the EPO or in anniversary alone equipment state. On cancellation of a brand new S73(1), the web European Apparent Annals must be arrested to actuate whether or not there’s a deal with to centrally absolute an EP (UK) patent. If so, you cost to entry a archetype of the amendments filed on the EPO and superior these to the examiner. The examiner will accede whether or not the amendments, if allowed, abolish the battle. If so, the examiner could break the S73(1) exercise awaiting the aftereffect of the axial modification. If the alteration isn’t accustomed or doesn’t abolish the battle, the S73(1) exercise could proceed.
A minute ought to find a way and referred to the examiner as follows:
On blockage the EPO register, it seems that an equipment has been filed to change the obvious centrally on the EPO. The amendments are accessible to look on the file. Amuse contemplate, if allowed, whether or not these amendments abolish the battle. If so, amuse affirm that you just ambition to interrupt the S73(1) exercise awaiting the aftereffect of the centrally filed modification. The annals shall be arrested persistently to adviser the advance of the modification. If the alteration doesn’t abolish the battle, amuse affirm that you just ambition to advance with the S73(1) motion.
The A3 will actualize a minute on PDAX, once more speed up a “PSM – S73(1) Axial alteration filed” bulletin to the examiner.
If the European obvious (UK) has completed again grant, abolishment exercise ought to abide (see MOPP Area 73). If an exercise to the European obvious (UK) has been filed on the European Apparent Office (examine through EPOline), the case must be referred to the fundamental examiner with a minute.
The A3 will actualize a minute on PDAX, once more speed up a “PSM – S73(1) EP in Opposition” bulletin to the examiner. In greatest instances, a look shall be taken on whether or not to interrupt the S73(2) exercise awaiting the aftereffect of the EPO exercise proceedings.
The A3 ought to moreover evaluation that any GB obvious the examiner needs to abjure is in pressure by equipment the COPS exercise DIS FUL. If the obvious isn’t in pressure, accredit the case to the fundamental examiner as there was a aeon of bifold patenting in place.
The A3 will actualize a minute on PDAX, once more speed up a “PSM – S73(1) Apparent not in pressure” bulletin to the examiner. If all formalities settle for been complied with, an Official Letter PL2 (Annex 2 – S73(1) (PL2)) must be issued to the patentee acceptance two months for a response.
A guide agenda ought to find a way as follows:
PL2 issued on ………… (insert date of PL2), B/F to ………….. (insert date – 4 months from date of PL2, and persistently to the abutting Wednesday).
The case must be diarized accordingly.Update Account EX2.
Letter created, sure and alien from PROSE.A Book agenda is created on PDAX.
An COPS chargeless argument entry must be fabricated equipment the exercise REG ENT. The entry ought to learn:
Section 73(1) exercise completed on (date of PL2) in look of xxxxx.
If the examiner cites a come up European obvious (UK) software, the A3 ought to advance as aloft besides:
a evaluation must be fabricated to make sure that the commendation designates GB on both the COPS DIS FUL print-out or the EPOLINE (European Register) print-out.
a PL1 letter see Annex 1 – S73 (1) (PL1) must be issued if the commendation is a European obvious (UK) equipment which was initially cited afore admission however once more deferred as a commendation as a result of the antecedence affidavit was not out there. If you settle for any doubts about this, you need to argue the tailored examiner.

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Letter created, sure and alien from PROSE.File agenda is created on PDAX.
If a acknowledgment is accustomed to the PL1 or PL2 advertence that the patentee has no argument to the abolishment of the patent, the letter must be scanned assimilate PDAX. A Accommodation 3a (see Annex 6 – Accommodation 3a (Agree to revocation)) ought to once more find a way for the tailored Arch of Assay Group.
The A3 will actualize a minute on PDAX, once more speed up a “PSM – Dec 3a to authorise” message.
Once authorisation is accustomed from the buildup head, an cyberbanking signature might be activated to the choice. The lodging must be anachronous and issued to the patentee with official letter DNL1 (see Annex 4 – DNL1 (Appeal interval)). A guide agenda ought to find a way as follows:
Decision issued on ……………. (date of Decision). Apparent revoked. Bright data.
Letter created, sure and alien from PROSE.File agenda is created on PDAX.
Decisions are created equipment Word templates and making use of the tailored cyberbanking signature. Cyberbanking signatures might be amid on SharePoint.
For allowance annal see 19.23 – 19.25
If a acknowledgment is accustomed to the PL2 that states the patentee has activated to centrally abjure on the European Apparent Office, no exercise beneath Area 73(1) is critical. Already we settle for accustomed acceptance that the EP obvious has been centrally revoked, acquaint examiner.
Once the examiner has agreed that there is no such thing as a battle beneath Area 73(1), affair letter S73 EPOREV (see Annex 16 – S73 EPOREV Centrally revoked at EPO).For allowance annal see 19.23 – 19.25
The patentee could disagree with the examiner’s look that the patents are in battle. In such circumstances, observations will often be offered to abutment this view. The observations must be referred to the fundamental examiner with a satisfactory minute. If the examiner permits the observations, Accommodation 2a (see Annex 7 – Accommodation 2a (Observations allowed)) ought to find a way for the Arch of Assay Group. The A3 will create, a minute on PDAX, once more speed up a “PSM – Dec 2a to authorise” message. Already authorisation is accustomed from the buildup head, an cyberbanking signature might be activated to the choice. The lodging must be anachronous and issued to the patentee with official letter DNL1 (see Annex 5 – DNL2 (No deal with interval)). A guide agenda ought to find a way as follows:
Revocation exercise beneath S73(1) not proceeded with on (date of brilliant data)
Letter created, sure and alien from PROSE.File agenda is created on PDAXDecisions are created aural Prose equipment Word templates and making use of the tailored cyberbanking signature. Cyberbanking signatures might be amid on SharePoint.
An COPS and account entry ought to have the ability to replicate the reality that abolishment has not taken place. Appliance REG ENT on COPS, a chargeless argument entry must be fabricated as follows:
Section 73(1) exercise completed on (date of PL1/2) in look of ……….. not proceeded with on (date of resolution)
The Exparte Post Admission SharePoint List must be tailored by coming into adjoin the guide advertence quantity, Not proceeded with on (insert date of resolution) and the date of brilliant data.
A Account entry ought to find a way as follows:-
Revocation exercise beneath Area 73(1) not proceeded with on (date of resolution).
Advert is created in Word, alien on PDAX equipment chiral acceptation (doc cipher is ADVERT) and is uploaded to the account PDJ Live on SharePoint.
If the observations will not be allowed, the examiner will affair added directions as to how you need to advance in an assay report. This deal with is once more included in an assay letter. The freeholder ought to moreover be supplied with the befalling to guide amendments to affected S73(1) battle. (see Annex 14 – S73EX S73 Assay letter).
The patentee could accompaniment that he’s both: * acceptance the obvious to blooper as a result of non-payment of face-lifting charges, or * that he proposes to abandonment the patent
It would come up that neither of those choices is prima facie satisfactory as a result of each patents would settle for been accepted for a aeon of time. The MOPP Area 73.09 signifies that already abolishment exercise has began, it ought to generally abide alike admitting the obvious could settle for completed or an exercise to abandonment has been made. The case must be referred to the fundamental examiner with a satisfactory minute. The examiner will often ask for a letter to be issued to the patentee mentioning these information and alms a listening to.
The A3 will actualize minute on PDAX, once more speed up a “PSM – S73(1) deal with to lapse/give up” bulletin to examiner.
The patentee could abide proposals to change the obvious in adjustment to abolish any battle.
When proposals for alteration of a GB obvious are accustomed in acknowledgment to abolishment exercise beneath Area 73(1), the amendments must be referred to the examiner. The examiner will accede whether or not the proposed amendments are satisfactory or not. If they aren’t acceptable, the examiner will affair added directions as to what exercise must be taken in an assay report. This deal with is once more included in an assay letter. The freeholder must be supplied with a added befalling to guide amendments to affected S73(1) battle. (see Annex 14 – S73EX S73 Assay letter).
The A3 will actualize a minute on PDAX, once more speed up a “PSM – S73(1)Amendments filed” bulletin to examiner.
If the proposals for alteration are prima facie satisfactory however are intensive, the examiner could deal with that amendments are fabricated all through the completed blueprint in adjustment to perform bendability aural the blueprint in adjustment to evolve.
The A3 is once more instructed by the examiner to affair letter to freeholder for added amendments. (see Annex 12 – S73FS2 Beginning blueprint conformity).
If the proposals for alteration are satisfactory by the Examiner, however crave a afresh typed blueprint in adjustment for publishing to aftermath a C spec, letter S73FS1 is issued (see Annex 13 – S73FS1 Address for starting specification).
If the proposals for alteration are acceptable, use the accumulate and improve exercise to manage the amendments to the B specification. The description, claims and property annotated “P” and “working copy” are affected from PREGRANT into the LITIGATION space of the file. The amendments are once more activated equipment the improve and accumulate features. In adjustment to research the tailored sections of the specification, they’re annotated “C” and “For publishing functions” forth with the sections not amended.
The references to “P” and “working copy” of the affected abstracts are deleted. This allows publishing space to summary all of the abstracts tailored to aftermath a “C” spec. Accommodation 1 see Annex 8 – Accommodation 1 (Amendments allowed) ought to find a way for the tailored Arch of Assay Group.
If each the GB and the EP patents crave alteration in adjustment to abolish any battle, the GB obvious is tailored beneath S73(1) and the European obvious that it’s in battle with is tailored beneath S27. The alteration beneath S73(1) is backward awaiting the accomplishment of the S27 exercise interval. The tailored GB and EP (UK) blueprint must be come up accompanying (RAPS aggregation will undertake procedures for the amendments to the EP (UK) beneath Area 27 and liaise with Tribunal Section. (See RAPS chiral for space 27 procedures). Tribunal brokers will moreover account the accomplishment of the exercise aeon because the continuance of the break and liaise with RAPS aggregation accordingly. On accomplishment of the exercise interval, Accommodation 1a (see Annex 10 – Accommodation 1a (Amendment to GB & EP/UK)) ought to find a way for the tailored Arch of Assay Group. It must be acclaimed that the freeholder ought to settle for the comptrollers’ choices and once more afterwards settle for the tailored specs.
Certificates and choices are created equipment Word templates and making use of the tailored cyberbanking signature. Certificates and cyberbanking signatures might be amid on SharePoint.
Create a minute on PDAX, once more speed up a “PSM – S73(1) Dec 1/1a and CERT to authorise” message.
Once authorisation is accustomed from the buildup head, an cyberbanking signature might be activated to the lodging and certificates. The affidavit is alien equipment chiral acceptation (doc cipher is CERTIFICATE).
The lodging and affidavit must be anachronous and the lodging issued to the patentee calm with Official Letter DNL2 (see Annex 5 – DNL2 (No deal with interval)). A guide agenda is ready as follows:-
Decision issued on (date of resolution). Apparent amended. Bright data.
Letter created, sure and alien from PROSE.File agenda is created on PDAX.
Clear data
An COPS entry ought to once more be made. From the Abolishment Area card baddest account 7 – amendments accustomed – blazon within the guide cardinal and once more baddest account 4 – beneath Area 73 which is able to warn you to confess the date of the choice. Back prompted, use A3 as ascendancy for the entry.
A Account entry ought to find a way as follows:
Specification tailored beneath Area 73(1), on (date of resolution).
Advert is created in Word and alien equipment chiral acceptation on PDAX (doc cipher is ADVERT) and is uploaded to the account PDJ Live on SharePoint.
The Exparte Post Admission SharePoint List must be tailored by coming into adjoin the guide advertence quantity, Apparent tailored on (date of resolution) and the date of brilliant data.
Following this, the case might be referred to Publishing Area for the tailored blueprint to be printed.
The A3 will actualize a considerable minute on PDAX (see Annex 11 – Publishing barometer template), once more speed up a “PSM – S73(1) Aftermath C Blueprint and see CERT” bulletin to the Publishing Aggregation mailbox.
If, afterwards the 2 ages aeon accustomed for acknowledgment to the Official Letters PL1/PL2, no acknowledgment has been obtained, Official Letter PL4 (Annex 3 – S73(1) (PL4)) alms a audition must be issued, allegorical a 21 day aeon for reply. Account EX2 must be up to date. A archetype of the PL4 must be positioned on file.
A guide agenda ought to find a way as follows:
No acknowledgment accustomed to PL1/PL2 issued on (date of PL1/2) PL4 issued on (date of PL4) B/F to …………………..
Letter created, sure and alien from PROSE.File agenda is created on PDAX.
The patentee could acknowledgment that he would love a listening to. If that is the case, a audition will cost to be abiding by the Hearings Team. Afterward the listening to, a lodging shall be accounting by the audition administrator and issued. If the obvious is revoked see 19.23 – 19.25.
To accredit to the audition group, actualize a minute on PDAX, once more speed up a “PSM – arrange listening to” bulletin to the hearings mailbox.
The Hearings Clerk will account the accomplishment of the deal with aeon and can acquaint the A3 case artisan accordingly.
The A3 will once more brilliant annal afterward the accomplishment of the deal with interval.
If no acknowledgment is accustomed and the B/F aeon has expired, Accommodation 5 (see Annex 9 – Accommodation 5 (No acknowledgment to PL2 or PL4)) ought to find a way for the tailored Arch of Assay Accumulation with the afterward minute:
No acknowledgment has been accustomed to …………………. (insert PL1/PL2 as acceptable) or PL4. Accommodation 5 ready. Amuse are you able to authorise your cyberbanking signature might be activated to the choice.
Decisions are created equipment Word templates and making use of the tailored cyberbanking signature. Cyberbanking signatures might be amid on SharePoint.Create a minute on PDAX, once more speed up a “PSM – Dec 5 to authorise” bulletin to the Arch of Assay Group.Once authorisation is accustomed from the buildup head, an cyberbanking signature might be activated to the choice
The lodging must be anachronous and issued to the patentee calm with Official Letter DNL1 (see Annex 4 – DNL1 (Appeal interval)).Letter created, sure and alien from PROSE.
A guide agenda ought to find a way as follows:
Decision issued on ……………. (date of Decision). Apparent revoked. Bright data.
File agenda is created on PDAX.
An COPS entry ought to once more be made. From the Abolishment Area menu, baddest account 16 – Annals Abolishment – blazon within the obvious cardinal and once more baddest the world of the act, admit the date of the lodging and use A3 as ascendancy for the entry. If, again registering the abolishment of the
patent, it’s start that the obvious has lapsed, the case must be referred to the B3, who will change the cachet of the obvious in order that it may be revoked.
The A3 will actualize a minute on PDAX, once more speed up a “PSM – Apparent Ceased” bulletin to B3.
A Account entry ought to find a way beneath the afterward department as indicated:
Section 73 Abolishment on the Comptroller’s exercise Apparent revoked beneath Area 73(1)
Patent Cardinal Proprietor’s Name Title Apparent revoked on (date of Decision)
PDJ Advert is created and alien equipment chiral acceptation on PDAX (doc cipher – ADVERT) and is uploaded to the account PDJ Live on SharePoint.
The Exparte Post Admission SharePoint List must be tailored by coming into adjoin the guide advertence quantity, Apparent revoked on (date of resolution) and date of brilliant data.File agenda is created on PDAX.
S117(B) of the Patents Act 1977 supplies for an added automated addendum of two months for durations outlined by the Office. This could also be activated retrospectively. Best of the requests for extensions of time chronicle to proposed amendments. These extensions of time could also be accustomed with the examiners discretion.
Where an automatic addendum of time has been activated and once more a added addendum of time is accustomed the deal with is referred to the fundamental examiner, who will accede it on its corresponding deserves. It must be remembered that Area 73 instances are ex parte. Therefore no added events are complicated or cost to be consulted.
The A3 will actualize a minute on PDAX, once more speed up a “PSM – S73(1) Addendum of time request” bulletin to DD.
Once an addendum of time has been granted, this must be accepted in autograph and a brand new borderline for a acknowledgment set. (see Annex 15 – S73EOT Addendum of time)
Letter created, sure and alien from PROSE.File agenda is created on PDAX.
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